Student Assessments

Student Testing Coordinator

Students at Oak View ES are assessed in many areas throughout the year as a part of the teaching and learning cycle. Assessments provide information about a child's development of knowledge and help teachers better plan for next steps in instruction.

The FCPS Grade Level Tests webpage offers testing information for each grade level including: 

  • Purpose of test,
  • Time of year when test is typically scheduled, and 
  • Estimated amount of time student will need to take test.

SOL Testing

The Standards of Learning (SOL) tests are given each year to students in grades 3-6.  They measure knowledge of grade-level content standards for state and federal accountability in reading, math, and science (5th).

Universal Screener

Universal screening with the iReady assessment gives teachers information about strengths and needs in students’ basic reading and mathematics skills. The purpose of this assessment is to identify students who may have gaps in reading and math skills so that teachers can plan appropriate support for each child. 

The universal screener is an online, computer-adaptive assessment. Computer-adaptive means that the difficulty of questions will adjust based on each child’s performance. When your child gets a question correct, the next question will be a little harder. When your child gets a question wrong, the next question will be a little easier. Through this adjustment process, the computer will narrow in on just the right level for your child.

The universal screener tests will be given three times each year. For the exact dates when your child will test, please contact your child’s teacher. After each testing window, your child’s teacher will share your child’s universal screener results with you.