Responsive Classroom
Responsive Classroom (RC) is an approach to teaching and learning that fosters safe and challenging classrooms/schools. Strategies are provided to bring together social and academic learning throughout the school day, to build responsibility and respect.
Some of the RC teaching practices that we use at Oak View are:
- Morning Meeting (daily routine to establish a positive climate)
- Rules and Logical Consequences (consistent approach to build responsibility and self-control)
- Guided Discovery (format for introducing materials for inquiry)
- Academic Choice (allows for teacher-selected choices to increase student motivation)
- Classroom Organization (rooms arranged to encourage independence, caring, cooperation)
- Working with Families (a true partnership for helping students understand school practices)
- Rule Creation (teacher-student collaborative process, per classroom)
- Positive Teacher Language (words and tone)
- Collaborative Problem-Solving (conferencing, role playing, class meetings)
- Interactive Modeling (students/teachers demonstrate key behaviors)