Kindergarten Information

Learn more about Kindergarten

Ready to register your student for Kindergarten? Early registration helps us to plan ahead for fall. Children who will be age 5 on or before September 30, 2025, are eligible to register.  Children born after September 30, 2025, are ineligible to attend kindergarten for 2025-26.  The Code of Virginia does not allow exceptions for children born after this date.

Is there a cap on class size?

Kindergarten classes can have up to 29 students.

What about aftercare and bus stops?

You will need to let the school know your child’s aftercare plans. You will receive information on bus routes from FCPS transportation prior to the first day of school.

What does FCPS expect kindergarteners to learn and be able to do at the end of the year? What are the basics of the kindergarten curriculum and what support is requested of parents to reinforce at home learning?

Here is the FCPS Year at a Glance, this provides an overview of what is covered throughout the school year. More information about the progress expectations in Kindergarten will be shared at Back to School Night in the fall.

Will Oak View hold a summer preview day for students to meet their assigned teachers?

There will be an Open House for children to meet their teacher several days before school starts.  Look for more information to come about Open House and the date.

How much information will I get to know about my kid’s day? Will there be opportunities for parents to volunteer in the classroom?

The kindergarten team sends home a weekly update via email to share information, updates, and details about your child’s week at school.  Parents will have the opportunity to volunteer for field trips, special events, and as room parents.  Additional opportunities to volunteer are dependent upon the needs of each individual classroom.

What type of homework is provided?

There is no requirement for homework in kindergarten.  However, we always encourage you to read daily to your child and you are welcome to reinforce the basic skills being taught at school as you see fit and in a way that works for your child and family.  Periodically throughout the year, your child may bring home special project assignments to be completed and returned to school for sharing.

My child has an IEP and currently attends a half day Pre-K with FCPS. What is the plan for him at K? If a child has, or may have, special needs how is this identified in the first school year?

Students who may already have an IEP should have been contacted by the school to have a transition IEP meeting.  At this meeting, expectations for support are discussed. If you have concerns that your child may need Special Education services, please share your concerns with your child’s teacher at the beginning of the year. The teacher will be able to assist you in determining any specific needs your child has.

Can they bring a stuffy to school?

Toys are not permitted at school unless otherwise indicated by your child’s teacher for a special event (sharing, PJ day, etc.).

Is dedicated help provided every day to kindergarteners to ensure they select enough and healthy foods from the lunch line?

Kindergarten Instructional Assistants attend lunch with their class and help the children go through the line and help them while at their tables.  Please look at the menu and discuss what healthy choices you would like your child to make each day while at school.  Next school year you will be able to find a monthly lunch menu on the FCPS website to help with making healthy lunch choices.

Are lunch and/or snack provided?

Lunch is available for purchase in the cafeteria.  If you choose not to have your child purchase lunch, please send in a lunch for your child from home.  Snack is not provided by the school; you will need to send a healthy snack and a water bottle to school with your child daily.

Are children always supervised in common areas?

Classes are supervised in all common areas.  Once the children are very familiar with the school building and the staff, students or pairs of students may periodically be sent to the clinic or hall restroom without adult supervision as they travel to their destination.